Архивы Blog - Fishbank https://fishbank.io/category/blog/ Blog about NFT games Tue, 11 Feb 2025 14:39:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://fishbank.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/cropped-nft-1-32x32.png Архивы Blog - Fishbank https://fishbank.io/category/blog/ 32 32 How Blockchain is Transforming the Gaming Industry https://fishbank.io/how-blockchain-is-transforming-the-gaming-industry/ Tue, 11 Feb 2025 14:39:57 +0000 https://fishbank.io/?p=359 Since the blockchain became popular, the technology has been widely associated with the financial sector. One of the lesser-known cases is in the gaming industry. [...]

Сообщение How Blockchain is Transforming the Gaming Industry появились сначала на Fishbank.

Since the blockchain became popular, the technology has been widely associated with the financial sector. One of the lesser-known cases is in the gaming industry. The combination of blockchain and gaming technologies has created many opportunities for players and developers. Just imagine that you can play games and place bets on GGBet Eesti using Bitcoin and other crypto. In this post, we will take a closer look at the benefits of blockchain gaming and its future prospects.

Blockchain Gaming Explained

Blockchain gaming is the integration of blockchain elements in video game development, enabling transparent, secure, and decentralized gameplay. Unlike traditional games, blockchain games use smart contracts and decentralized ledgers to verify in-game transactions and asset ownership. Players can purchase digital assets, such as weapons and skins, stored as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the blockchain. These assets can be traded across different games.

Benefits of Blockchain Players and Developers

Blockchain gaming has become the next stage of video game progress since it comes with more perks than traditional games. This sector has recently experienced tremendous growth in popularity, contributing to the gaming community overall. Here are the major benefits of the games based on the blockchain networks:


Blockchain builds the next level of security for video gaming content. The system keeps data secured through cryptography. To mitigate possible risks, blockchain data is located in a separate ledger, which happens to be more secure than the classic game database. You can’t convince yourself that blockchain games aren’t vulnerable to fraud. But the risks are considerably lower.

In-game finances

The adaptation of blockchain technology into games has started the dynamic transformation of the digital entertainment industry. With the rise of popular real money games, players can earn crypto tokens to join multiple gaming activities in the blockchain network. They can also manage their digital assets as NFTs with the actual value. The tokens you collect can be exchanged for real money and then used to buy things within the gameplay.


Decentralization leaves no need for a central regulator to manage game assets, transactions, or personal data. This guarantees a high level of transparency and security for all parties involved. Players can get in-game items, which are located on the blockchain and remain accessible even if a game server closes. Decentralized systems minimize the risk of fraud and contribute to fair gameplay. For developers, decentralization provides freedom from restrictive publishing platforms and enables peer-to-peer transactions, creating more inclusive ecosystems.

True ownership

Traditional video games allow players to earn skins and weapons. These items are used to level up within the game. Blockchain gaming also follows this trend by offering in-game currency and other unique assets with real value. Players can manage their digital assets by proving their identity on the blockchain. This creates multiple opportunities for them to send and receive in-game products within the game or on independent marketplaces.

Cross-platform play

Cross-platform play also makes blockchain gaming look better for gamers. The blockchain builds an interrelated environment, which allows players to jump from one blockchain game to another. This increases the variety of accessible games and associated assets. For example, you can choose any skin in Fortnite and use it in Valorant whenever you want. This interconnected environment promises a unique gaming experience.

Fair game

Blockchain gaming platforms are now promoting themselves as fair and fully transparent. Players can check software algorithms and game policies to ensure they know what they are going for. Every payment in a blockchain game is stored in the blockchain network, which is freely accessible to everyone. This level of transparency guarantees a smooth experience during and after the average gaming session.

The Future of Blockchain Gaming

Blockchain gaming keeps growing at a high rate alongside traditional gaming. This relatively new industry has already developed some excellent projects for every taste. With the right control and maintenance, more and more entertainment companies show interest in blockchain-related projects. This leaves much space for game developers to experiment with this technology and bring more ideas to realization. Once the number of quality projects starts growing, the gaming community will eventually warm up to the concept of crypto-powered games.

Сообщение How Blockchain is Transforming the Gaming Industry появились сначала на Fishbank.

Gli NFT Possono Essere Usati per un Gioco Responsabile e per Prevenire le Dipendenze? https://fishbank.io/gli-nft-possono-essere-usati-per-un-gioco-responsabile-e-per-prevenire-le-dipendenze/ Tue, 19 Nov 2024 13:27:06 +0000 https://fishbank.io/?p=350 Come togliere l’autoesclusione AAMS è una questione che interessa non solo i giocatori, ma anche chi lavora nel settore del gioco d’azzardo e i sostenitori [...]

Сообщение Gli NFT Possono Essere Usati per un Gioco Responsabile e per Prevenire le Dipendenze? появились сначала на Fishbank.

Come togliere l’autoesclusione AAMS è una questione che interessa non solo i giocatori, ma anche chi lavora nel settore del gioco d’azzardo e i sostenitori di pratiche di gioco responsabile. Con l’ascesa della tecnologia blockchain e degli NFT, ci si chiede se questi strumenti digitali possano aiutare a prevenire dipendenze e a migliorare il controllo individuale nel gioco online. Gli NFT, come asset digitali unici, offrono potenziali soluzioni innovative, come il monitoraggio trasparente e limiti programmabili che i giocatori possono impostare. Questa introduzione agli NFT ci porta a esplorare il loro ruolo nel creare un ambiente di gioco più sicuro e consapevole, bilanciando la libertà di scelta con la responsabilità.

Come togliere l’autoesclusione AAMS – https://casinononaams.top/revoca-autoesclusione-aams/ è una domanda che molti giocatori a rischio si pongono quando cercano di riprendere il controllo del proprio comportamento di gioco. Con gli NFT, sarebbe possibile fornire loro strumenti per monitorare e gestire le loro attività in modo più responsabile. Gli NFT potrebbero diventare una risorsa preziosa per coloro che desiderano evitare di cadere in una spirale di dipendenza.

Panoramica sugli NFT

Gli NFT sono asset digitali unici basati su blockchain, che offrono una prova di proprietà immutabile e verificabile. Utilizzati inizialmente nell’arte digitale, nei collezionabili e nei videogiochi, gli NFT stanno ora trovando applicazione in vari settori, incluso il gioco d’azzardo. Grazie alla loro capacità di registrare ogni transazione su una blockchain pubblica, gli NFT possono garantire un alto livello di trasparenza e sicurezza. Questa tecnologia potrebbe quindi essere utilizzata per tracciare e controllare le attività di gioco in modo più efficiente.

Nel contesto del gioco responsabile, gli NFT potrebbero rappresentare un’opportunità unica per monitorare il comportamento dei giocatori. Ad esempio, la proprietà di specifici NFT potrebbe dare accesso a funzionalità di gioco responsabile, come limiti di spesa o di tempo. Questo sistema potrebbe aiutare i giocatori a mantenere il controllo delle proprie attività e a evitare comportamenti rischiosi.

Come gli NFT Possono Favorire il Gioco Responsabile

Uno dei principali vantaggi degli NFT è la possibilità di programmare restrizioni e condizioni specifiche al loro interno. Nel caso del gioco d’azzardo, ciò potrebbe significare la possibilità di creare NFT che consentano di monitorare e limitare le attività di gioco. Questi strumenti di controllo potrebbero aiutare a prevenire le dipendenze, offrendo ai giocatori un livello di protezione aggiuntivo.

Esempi di Utilizzo degli NFT per il Gioco Responsabile

Funzionalità NFTDescrizione
Limiti di Spesa ProgrammabiliNFT che bloccano automaticamente il gioco oltre una certa spesa settimanale
Monitoraggio del TempoNFT che limitano la durata delle sessioni di gioco giornaliere
Accesso a Programmi di SupportoNFT che danno accesso a risorse e servizi di supporto per i giocatori a rischio

Grazie a questi NFT, i giocatori potrebbero essere incentivati a gestire il tempo e le risorse che dedicano al gioco, contribuendo così a un’esperienza più bilanciata. Inoltre, i dati tracciati sulla blockchain potrebbero essere utilizzati per generare report personalizzati e fornire ai giocatori feedback utili su come migliorare le loro abitudini.

Il Ruolo degli NFT nel Monitoraggio della Salute Mentale dei Giocatori

Nel contesto del gioco responsabile, è essenziale tenere conto della salute mentale dei giocatori. Gli NFT potrebbero servire come strumento di monitoraggio passivo, registrando in modo anonimo i comportamenti di gioco per identificare eventuali segni di dipendenza. Ad esempio, un NFT potrebbe analizzare la frequenza e l’intensità delle sessioni di gioco, segnalando cambiamenti che potrebbero indicare un problema emergente.

NFT come Accesso a Programmi di Autoesclusione Personalizzati

Uno degli strumenti più efficaci per prevenire la dipendenza dal gioco d’azzardo è l’autoesclusione. Tuttavia, molti giocatori trovano difficile rispettare questo impegno. Gli NFT potrebbero offrire un’alternativa flessibile, consentendo ai giocatori di accedere a programmi di autoesclusione personalizzati e adattabili. Ad esempio, un giocatore potrebbe scegliere un NFT che gli concede un accesso limitato al gioco durante determinate ore della giornata o che blocca l’accesso a determinati giochi ad alto rischio.

Questo tipo di sistema di autoesclusione flessibile potrebbe essere più facilmente rispettato dai giocatori e permetterebbe loro di mantenere un controllo costante delle proprie abitudini di gioco. In questo modo, l’uso degli NFT potrebbe rappresentare una risposta efficace alla domanda come togliere l’autoesclusione AAMS senza sacrificare la sicurezza e la protezione del giocatore.

Limitazioni e Sfide nell’Utilizzo degli NFT per il Gioco Responsabile

Nonostante le potenzialità, l’uso degli NFT per il gioco responsabile presenta anche alcune sfide e limitazioni. La tecnologia blockchain, pur essendo sicura, può essere complessa da comprendere per molti giocatori, soprattutto per coloro che non hanno familiarità con il mondo delle criptovalute e degli asset digitali. Inoltre, la gestione di un NFT per il controllo del gioco potrebbe comportare costi aggiuntivi e una curva di apprendimento che non tutti i giocatori sono disposti ad affrontare.

Un’altra sfida riguarda la privacy e la raccolta di dati. Anche se gli NFT offrono trasparenza, molti giocatori potrebbero sentirsi a disagio sapendo che le loro attività di gioco sono tracciate e registrate su una blockchain pubblica. È quindi fondamentale trovare un equilibrio tra l’efficacia del monitoraggio e il rispetto della privacy degli utenti. Questo è particolarmente rilevante per coloro che cercano come togliere l’autoesclusione AAMS, poiché la tecnologia dovrebbe offrire sicurezza senza compromettere la riservatezza e il controllo personale.

Pro e Contro degli NFT nel Gioco d’Azzardo Responsabile

Vantaggi degli NFTSvantaggi degli NFT
Trasparenza e SicurezzaComplessità Tecnologica
Monitoraggio del GiocoQuestioni di Privacy
Limitazioni PersonalizzateCosti di Gestione

NFT e Incentivi per un Gioco Responsabile

Un altro potenziale utilizzo degli NFT nel settore del gioco d’azzardo responsabile riguarda la possibilità di creare incentivi per i giocatori che mantengono comportamenti virtuosi. Ad esempio, un casino online potrebbe rilasciare NFT speciali come ricompensa per coloro che rispettano limiti di spesa o di tempo, promuovendo così un comportamento sano e responsabile. Questi NFT potrebbero dare accesso a premi, eventi speciali o esperienze di gioco uniche, fornendo una motivazione positiva per seguire le buone pratiche di gioco.

Gli incentivi rappresentano una strategia efficace per incoraggiare il gioco responsabile senza imporre limitazioni forzate. I giocatori sarebbero così motivati a rispettare i limiti non per obbligo, ma per ottenere ricompense che rendano l’esperienza di gioco ancora più piacevole.


L’uso degli NFT per il gioco responsabile rappresenta un’interessante evoluzione del settore del gioco d’azzardo, offrendo nuove opportunità di controllo per i giocatori. Con strumenti come limiti di spesa programmabili e accesso a risorse di supporto, gli NFT potrebbero aiutare i giocatori a gestire in modo equilibrato le loro attività. Come togliere l’autoesclusione AAMS può quindi diventare una scelta più sicura e consapevole, grazie agli strumenti offerti dalla tecnologia NFT. Sebbene ci siano ancora sfide, l’integrazione di NFT nel gioco responsabile potrebbe segnare un cambiamento significativo, offrendo maggiore sicurezza e incentivando un comportamento sano e responsabile.

Сообщение Gli NFT Possono Essere Usati per un Gioco Responsabile e per Prevenire le Dipendenze? появились сначала на Fishbank.

Melhore Suas Habilidades em Jogos Baseados em Habilidade: Um Guia Prático https://fishbank.io/melhore-suas-habilidades-em-jogos-baseados-em-habilidade-um-guia-pratico/ Tue, 03 Sep 2024 20:48:33 +0000 https://fishbank.io/?p=342 E aí, galera! Aqui é o Arnold Quillborne, direto do turbilhão dos games, pra falar sobre como vocês podem virar feras em jogos de habilidade. [...]

Сообщение Melhore Suas Habilidades em Jogos Baseados em Habilidade: Um Guia Prático появились сначала на Fishbank.

E aí, galera! Aqui é o Arnold Quillborne, direto do turbilhão dos games, pra falar sobre como vocês podem virar feras em jogos de habilidade. Sabe aquele momento em que você tá quase lá, mas acaba falhando por um triz? Isso pode mudar! Eu encaro jogos de habilidade como uma arte, e arte a gente sempre pode aprimorar, não é mesmo?

Com dedicação e as dicas certas, vão começar a chamar vocês de mestres. “Mas, Arnold, onde eu pratico?”, vocês podem perguntar. Bem, um lugar que sempre recomendo é o Pin Up Casino. Por lá, eu afiei minhas estratégias e reflexos. “E o que mais?”, insistem vocês. Além de frequentar o Pin Up casino, eu me concentro em conhecer cada detalhe do jogo. Porque, meus amigos, conhecimento é poder! Fiquem ligados nas próximas dicas e deixem a sorte para os amadores. Quem tá comigo nessa jornada para o topo?

Entendendo a Mecânica do Jogo

Vamos mergulhar na mecânica dos jogos de habilidade! Primeiro, me diga, você realmente conhece as regras do jogo? É como aprender a dançar, cada passo importa. No Pin Up, eu percebi que saber o ‘samba de uma nota só’ dos jogos faz toda a diferença. E olha, não basta só saber — tem que sentir o jogo.

Você já parou pra pensar como os grandes jogadores pensam? Eles respiram o jogo, vivem cada jogada. No Pin Up, dá pra notar claramente como cada decisão é crucial. Então, que tal começar a jogar com a mente dos campeões? Não é sobre ter sorte, é sobre fazer a sorte acontecer. Pronto para antecipar os movimentos e virar o jogo a seu favor? Lembre-se, em jogos de habilidade, sua maior aposta é em você mesmo.

Desenvolvendo Reflexos e Precisão

Olha só, ter reflexos afiados e precisão de cirurgião não é só coisa de filme, não! Quer saber como chegar lá? Primeiro, concentração é a chave. Quando você faz seu Pin-Up casino login, já entra no modo jogo? Isso aí, o foco tem que ser laser!

Agora, se liga nessa lista que é ouro puro:

  • Pratique: Repita os movimentos até que eles se tornem naturais.
  • Desafie-se: Aumente a dificuldade gradualmente.
  • Observe: Veja como os profissionais jogam e aprenda com eles.

E uma dica de ouro: dê uma pausa quando precisar. Seu cérebro agradece e seus reflexos também. No Pin-Up casino login, cada clique pode ser um passo rumo à vitória. E aí, preparado para jogar com o melhor de si e mostrar que seus reflexos são afiados como nunca?

Estratégias para Aperfeiçoamento Contínuo

Quer manter o jogo sempre afiado? A meta é evoluir, dia após dia. No Pin Up casino online, vi que o aperfeiçoamento contínuo é o que separa os bons dos verdadeiros craques. Então, bora pra algumas dicas matadoras?

Confere aí:

  1. Metas Claras: Defina objetivos alcançáveis. Melhorar 10% é possível, certo?
  2. Registro de Progresso: Já pensou em anotar suas jogadas e resultados? Isso te ajuda a ver onde você brilha e onde precisa melhorar.
  3. Feedback é Seu Amigo: Críticas construtivas podem doer, mas transformam chumbo em ouro!

E aí, tá pronto para ser um jogador que deixa sua marca no Pin Up casino online? Lembra, o jogo não para, e nem você. Vamo que vamo! 

Equipamentos e Configurações Otimizadas

Sabe quando você tá no meio de um jogo intenso e percebe que o seu equipamento não tá dando conta do recado? É, meus amigos, isso não pode acontecer. Um verdadeiro jogador sabe que ter os equipamentos e as configurações certas é tão essencial quanto conhecer as regras do jogo.

Então, como você se certifica de que tá tudo nos trinques? Começa com um hardware que responda ao seu comando como se fosse parte de você. Depois, ajusta aquelas configurações para deixar tudo tinindo, desde a sensibilidade do mouse até a resolução da tela. Já parou para pensar como cada detalhe pode te deixar mais próximo da vitória?

Não dá para entrar num jogo querendo dominar e estar com um arsenal meia boca. Então, capricha nesse setup porque, acredite, ele pode ser o diferencial entre ganhar e perder. Vamos garantir que a única coisa que vai te limitar seja, no máximo, sua imaginação e estratégia, combinado? E aí, preparamos o palco para a próxima grande jogada?

Cuidado com a Saúde Física e Mental

Ah, a saúde física e mental, o tesouro dos gamers! Você já parou pra pensar que, assim como os atletas cuidam do corpo, a gente precisa fazer o mesmo? Já vi muita gente boa cair fora de jogo por não dar atenção a isso. Jogar é sensacional, mas se liga, a maratona não pode te deixar pelo caminho.

Primeiro, tem a questão das pausas. Sabe aquele papo de que “parar é perder”? Papo furado. Parar é recarregar pra garantir que sua mente esteja tão afiada quanto suas jóias no jogo. E a postura? Sentar direito faz diferença que você nem imagina, evitando aquela dor nas costas que te tira da jogada mais importante.

Mas olha, não é só o físico não. Jogar com a cabeça feita é ouro puro. Quando bate aquela frustração, respira fundo. Pensa comigo: cada partida perdida é uma lição aprendida. Então, relaxa a mente e mantém o jogo prazeroso. Afinal, se não tá se divertindo, tá jogando errado, concorda?

E aí, pronto pra cuidar do corpo e da mente e se manter no topo do seu jogo?

Participação em Comunidades e Competições

Ei, você já descobriu o poder de jogar em comunidade e entrar em competições? Isso, pra mim, é o sal e a pimenta dos jogos de habilidade. Não é só sobre ganhar dinheiro ou subir de ranking; é sobre pertencer, aprender e, claro, se desafiar.

Quando você entra numa comunidade de jogadores, você não tá só dividindo dicas, tá absorvendo o espírito do jogo. E competir? Competir é testar seu metal, ver até onde você consegue ir. Você já sentiu aquela adrenalina de estar numa competição, onde cada movimento é um passo pra glória ou pra lição?

É num torneio que você vê o verdadeiro valor do treino, da estratégia e daquela sua manobra secreta. Então, que tal entrar pra essa família que não se encontra só nas vitórias, mas também nos erros e gargalhadas? Vamos encarar isso juntos e tornar o jogo ainda melhor? Quem sabe sua próxima jogada não se torna a lenda da comunidade?

Сообщение Melhore Suas Habilidades em Jogos Baseados em Habilidade: Um Guia Prático появились сначала на Fishbank.

Case studies of successful NFT games https://fishbank.io/case-studies-of-successful-nft-games/ Fri, 29 Mar 2024 14:05:35 +0000 https://fishbank.io/?p=300 In the ever-evolving landsсape of the gaming industry, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have emerged as a disruptive forсe, offering new avenues for innovation, сreativity, and eсonomiс [...]

Сообщение Case studies of successful NFT games появились сначала на Fishbank.

In the ever-evolving landsсape of the gaming industry, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have emerged as a disruptive forсe, offering new avenues for innovation, сreativity, and eсonomiс opportunity. NFT games, in partiсular, have сaptured the imagination of players and developers alike, presenting unique experienсes that leverage bloсkсhain teсhnology to redefine ownership, interoperability, and player-driven eсonomies. In this artiсle, we’ll explore several сase studies of suссessful NFT games and their profound impaсt on the gaming industry.

  1. Axie Infinity:
    • Axie Infinity has beсome one of the most prominent examples of a suссessful NFT game, blending elements of сolleсtible сreatures, battle meсhaniсs, and deсentralized finanсe (DeFi).
    • Players сan сolleсt, breed, and battle digital сreatures known as Axies, eaсh represented by NFTs that сonfer ownership rights and value.
    • The game’s Play-to-Earn model allows players to earn сryptoсurrenсy rewards by partiсipating in battles, breeding Axies, and trading NFTs on the marketplaсe.
    • Axie Infinity has amassed a large and dediсated сommunity, with players from around the world partiсipating in tournaments, forming guilds, and сollaborating on various in-game aсtivities.
    • The suссess of Axie Infinity has demonstrated the potential for NFT games to сreate sustainable eсosystems where players сan not only enjoy immersive gameplay but also earn real-world inсome.
  2. Deсentraland:
    • Deсentraland is a virtual reality platform built on the Ethereum bloсkсhain, where users сan buy, sell, and develop virtual land and assets as NFTs.
    • Users сan explore the deсentralized metaverse, interaсt with other players, attend events, and even monetize their сreations through in-game experienсes and serviсes.
    • The platform’s LAND tokens represent parсels of virtual land, allowing users to сlaim ownership and build immersive experienсes, ranging from art galleries and сasinos to virtual businesses and entertainment venues.
    • Deсentraland has garnered attention for its innovative approaсh to user-generated сontent and virtual eсonomies, blurring the lines between gaming, soсial networking, and digital сommerсe.
    • The suссess of Deсentraland undersсores the growing interest in virtual worlds and the potential for NFTs to revolutionize how we interaсt, сreate, and transaсt in digital spaсes.
  3. СryptoKitties:
    • СryptoKitties is widely regarded as one of the pioneering NFT games, introduсing the сonсept of digital сolleсtibles on the Ethereum bloсkсhain.
    • Players сan сolleсt, breed, and trade virtual сats, eaсh represented by unique NFTs that are stored and seсured on the bloсkсhain.
    • The game’s breeding meсhaniсs allow players to сreate rare and valuable offspring, with some СryptoKitties fetсhing exorbitant priсes on the marketplaсe.
    • СryptoKitties gained mainstream attention for its novelty, sparking a сraze for bloсkсhain-based сolleсtibles and highlighting the potential for NFTs to сreate digital sсarсity and provenanсe.
    • While СryptoKitties experienсed sсalability сhallenges and a deсline in popularity over time, its legaсy lives on as a trailblazer in the NFT spaсe, inspiring сountless projeсts and innovations.
  4. The Sandbox:
    • The Sandbox is a user-generated сontent platform where players сan сreate, share, and monetize their own virtual experienсes using NFTs.
    • Users сan design and build voxel-based worlds, games, and assets, whiсh сan be bought, sold, and traded as NFTs on the marketplaсe.
    • The platform’s SAND token serves as the primary сurrenсy for transaсtions within the eсosystem, enabling players to purсhase land, assets, and serviсes.
    • The Sandbox has attraсted a diverse сommunity of сreators, ranging from indie developers and artists to major brands and IP holders, all сontributing to the growing metaverse.
    • With partnerships with сompanies like Atari and Square Enix, The Sandbox is poised to beсome a leading destination for user-generated сontent and deсentralized gaming experienсes.
  5. Splinterlands:
    • Splinterlands is a digital сolleсtible сard game that utilizes bloсkсhain teсhnology and NFTs to сreate a dynamiс and сompetitive gaming experienсe.
    • Players build deсks of сards representing various сreatures and spells, whiсh they use to battle other players in strategiс turn-based сombat.
    • Eaсh сard in Splinterlands is a unique NFT, allowing players to buy, sell, and trade сards on the marketplaсe while retaining full ownership and сontrol.
    • The game’s deсentralized tournament system offers rewards in the form of сryptoсurrenсy prizes and in-game assets, inсentivizing сompetitive play and skill development.
    • Splinterlands has gained traсtion as a popular play-to-earn game, offering players the opportunity to earn passive inсome through gameplay and strategiс deсision-making.

The suссess of these NFT games undersсores the transformative potential of bloсkсhain teсhnology in the gaming industry. By leveraging NFTs to enable true ownership, interoperability, and player-driven eсonomies, these games are reshaping how we think about digital entertainment and value сreation. As the NFT gaming spaсe сontinues to evolve and innovate, it promises to unloсk new possibilities for players, developers, and investors alike, ushering in a new era of deсentralized gaming and virtual experienсes.

Сообщение Case studies of successful NFT games появились сначала на Fishbank.

Virtual World Built on Ethereum https://fishbank.io/virtual-world-built-on-ethereum/ Wed, 31 Jan 2024 09:25:00 +0000 https://fishbank.io/?p=39 Decentraland is a unique Ethereum-based virtual reality platform where users can immerse themselves in a community-created world. It offers a space where players can play, [...]

Сообщение Virtual World Built on Ethereum появились сначала на Fishbank.

Decentraland is a unique Ethereum-based virtual reality platform where users can immerse themselves in a community-created world. It offers a space where players can play, explore and interact with various games and activities. In this user-owned digital world, creativity is limitless. Users can acquire and develop land, create environments, marketplaces and applications, as well as create and sell wearables, artwork and non-fungible tokens ( NFTs ).

As a decentralized virtual world, Decentraland allows its members to participate in governance through the Decentraland DAO , a decentralized autonomous organization. This governance model gives users a voice in the direction of the project. The platform’s economy is supported by three proprietary tokens – MANA, LAND and Estate, each with a unique role.

Decentraland sets itself apart in the digital market by offering more than just “play to earn” game mechanics. While traditional video games often limit player ownership and influence, Decentraland allows players to own in-game items and earn money by integrating blockchain technology into its foundation. This approach not only adds an economic dimension to gameplay, but also facilitates the creation of a full-scale digital analog of the physical world.

Сообщение Virtual World Built on Ethereum появились сначала на Fishbank.

Five Phenomenal Games Powered by Ethereum https://fishbank.io/five-phenomenal-games-powered-by-ethereum/ Fri, 11 Aug 2023 16:44:00 +0000 https://fishbank.io/?p=36 The Ethereum blockchain has become the land of innovation in the gaming industry, providing a platform for creating unique and exciting games that go beyond [...]

Сообщение Five Phenomenal Games Powered by Ethereum появились сначала на Fishbank.

The Ethereum blockchain has become the land of innovation in the gaming industry, providing a platform for creating unique and exciting games that go beyond mere entertainment. In this article, we take a look at five awesome Ethereum-based games that embody the blockchain’s groundbreaking ideas and perspectives.


Let’s start with one of the most famous games on the Ethereum blockchain, CryptoKitties. This game, developed by Axiom Zen studio, allows users to collect, breed and trade unique digital cats based on NFT technology. Each kitty is a unique asset stored on the Ethereum blockchain, making them digital collectibles.

Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity is a game that combines RPG and collectible elements by allowing players to collect, train, and battle digital creatures called Axies. These creatures also represent unique NFTs, making each Axie a valuable asset in the game’s ecosystem. Players can earn in-game tokens and even trade their Axies in the marketplace.


Decentraland is a virtual world based on the Ethereum blockchain where users can create, explore, and interact in decentralized 3D environments. Each piece of land in Decentraland is a unique NFT, allowing its owner to control and monetize their space. Players can create and sell digital assets, host events, and even launch digital businesses.

Gods Unchained

Gods Unchained is a collectible card game based on the Ethereum blockchain where players collect and battle cards representing mythical creatures and deities. Each card is a unique NFT, making them rare and valuable to collectors. Players can earn and trade cards in the marketplace, enter competitions and even win prizes.

My Crypto Heroes

My Crypto Heroes is an RPG on the Ethereum blockchain where players collect and control a team of heroes as they fight enemies and explore the world. Each hero is a unique NFT with their own characteristics and abilities. Players can earn and develop their heroes by participating in quests and battles, as well as trading heroes in the marketplace.


Games based on the Ethereum blockchain open up new opportunities for interactive entertainment, collecting and earning. They allow players to own and control digital assets, create unique and immersive game worlds, and interact with other players and developers in decentralized ecosystems. These five games represent only a small part of the Ethereum blockchain’s potential in the gaming industry, and we can expect even more diversity and innovation in the coming years.

Сообщение Five Phenomenal Games Powered by Ethereum появились сначала на Fishbank.

From NFT to RPG How Ethereum is Reforming Game Genres https://fishbank.io/from-nft-to-rpg-how-ethereum-is-reforming-game-genres/ Thu, 20 Oct 2022 07:04:00 +0000 https://fishbank.io/?p=33 With the advent of Ethereum smart contracts and non-negotiable token technology (NFT), the world of gaming has entered a new era. This technological revolution is [...]

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With the advent of Ethereum smart contracts and non-negotiable token technology (NFT), the world of gaming has entered a new era. This technological revolution is not only changing the way we play, but it is also affecting the very essence of game genres, including classic role-playing games (RPGs), which are becoming more interesting and diverse thanks to the Ethereum blockchain.

Unique digital assets and NFT

NFT technology allows for the creation of unique digital assets that can be embedded in games. In the RPG world, this means that each character, item or artifact can be unique and unrepeatable, which adds new layers of depth and personality to the gameplay. Players can create, collect, and trade these digital assets both in-game and in external markets.

Decentralized game worlds

Ethereum smart contracts enable the creation of decentralized game worlds where players have more freedom to influence the story, participate in the development of game content, and make key decisions that affect the game world. This allows developers to create RPGs where players truly feel like they are part of the universe and not just participants in a set story.

Character development and asset ownership

Smart contracts also provide more flexible mechanisms for character development and asset ownership in RPGs. Players can participate in unique quests, tasks, and battles while earning and developing their characters through smart contracts. With NFT technology, the ownership of unique items and artifacts becomes a more meaningful and interesting aspect of the game.

Dynamic game mechanics and economy

Smart contracts allow developers to create dynamic game mechanics and economic models, making the game experience more diverse and interesting. Ethereum-based RPGs can offer players more flexible and innovative ways to interact with the game world, from resource mining to trading and political influence within the game.


The Ethereum blockchain opens up new horizons for the RPG genre, making the gaming experience more interesting, deeper and more engaging. From unique digital assets to decentralized game worlds and dynamic game mechanics, smart contracts are changing not only the way we play, but also the very essence of the RPG genre, making it more appealing to all players.

Сообщение From NFT to RPG How Ethereum is Reforming Game Genres появились сначала на Fishbank.

Smart Contracts and Their Role and Operation in Blockchain https://fishbank.io/smart-contracts-and-their-role-and-operation-in-blockchain/ Tue, 13 Jul 2021 07:14:00 +0000 https://fishbank.io/?p=42 Smart contracts, in their current form on the Ethereum blockchain, are a fundamental building block for the growing Web3 industry. They underpin a wide range [...]

Сообщение Smart Contracts and Their Role and Operation in Blockchain появились сначала на Fishbank.

Smart contracts, in their current form on the Ethereum blockchain, are a fundamental building block for the growing Web3 industry. They underpin a wide range of applications including DeFi , NFT , games and more, playing a key role in their growth and prominence in the Web3 realm. Smart contracts, which serve as the foundation for decentralized applications on the blockchain, are critical for developers, allowing them to codify agreements between parties, automate decentralized exchanges, and create both fungible and non- fungible tokens.

Smart contracts represent the evolution of traditional contracts in the digital age. Written in a virtual language, they are capable of executing and enforcing themselves autonomously and automatically based on programmed parameters. The integration of blockchain technology increases their value by enhancing security, transparency and trust among signatories. This eliminates the risks of misunderstanding, tampering or alteration and reduces the need for intermediaries. The promise of smart contracts lies in their potential to simplify complex processes such as buying a house, which typically involves banks, notaries, land registries and extensive documentation. With blockchain and smart contracts, these processes can be simplified, increasing trust, security and transparency between the parties involved.

Gaming and NFT

Blockchain-based games use smart contracts to securely perform in-game actions against unauthorized access. One example is PoolTogether, a lossless savings game in which users place their funds into a common pool, which is then sent to the money market where it earns interest. After a predetermined period of time, the game ends and the winner is randomly awarded all of the accumulated interest, while everyone else can withdraw their initial deposit. Similarly, limited-edition NFTs can have fair distribution models, and role-playing games can support unpredictable mining drop-off using randomness, helping to ensure all users have an equal chance of obtaining rare digital assets. Many projects access randomness through Chainlink’s Verifiable Random Function (VRF), a random number generator (RNG) that uses cryptography to prove its security against unauthorized access, meaning that the RNG process is subject to public auditing.

MLB baseball player Trey Mancini held an NFT raffle to raise money for Cancer Support, where Chainlink VRF was used to randomly assign additional utility to some NFTs.

Сообщение Smart Contracts and Their Role and Operation in Blockchain появились сначала на Fishbank.

How Ethereum Smart Contracts are Changing the World of Gaming https://fishbank.io/how-ethereum-smart-contracts-are-changing-the-world-of-gaming/ Thu, 18 Jun 2020 11:44:00 +0000 https://fishbank.io/?p=30 In recent years, Ethereum smart contracts have become a significant factor that is transforming not only the financial markets, but also the entertainment industry, including [...]

Сообщение How Ethereum Smart Contracts are Changing the World of Gaming появились сначала на Fishbank.

In recent years, Ethereum smart contracts have become a significant factor that is transforming not only the financial markets, but also the entertainment industry, including gaming. This has led to notable changes in the way we play, interact, and even earn money in games. Let’s take a look at how these innovations are changing the world of gaming.

Decentralized markets and asset ownership

Ethereum smart contracts have introduced a new level of decentralization to gaming, allowing players to own their assets outside of the gaming platforms. By utilizing NFT (non-negotiable token) technology, in-game items and resources become unique and genuine. Players can buy, sell and even trade their digital assets independently of game developers.

Game economies based on smart contracts

Smart contracts enable smart economic models within games. This means that developers can regulate economic processes in games, including the release of new resources, revenue distribution and mechanisms to incentivize game activity, using program code and algorithms. Such games can offer a fairer and more transparent environment for all participants.

Genuine digital collections and NFTs

Ethereum smart contracts have made it possible to create and manage unique digital collections using NFT technology. This means that game items, characters, and even entire games can be created as NFTs, providing owners with absolute uniqueness and authenticity. Collectors and players can invest in these digital assets knowing that they are unique and valuable.

Decentralized worlds and game content management

Smart contracts enable the creation of decentralized game worlds where players can influence story development, create content, and even participate in the management of game mechanics and rules. This opens up new perspectives for social interaction and collaboration within games, and allows players to feel more involved in the gameplay.


Ethereum smart contracts are bringing significant changes to the world of gaming, from decentralization and asset ownership to the creation of unique digital collections and decentralized game worlds. These innovations are not only improving the gaming experience, but also changing the way we interact with and own game content. As a result, we are seeing the evolution of the gaming industry into a more open, fair and interactive direction.

Сообщение How Ethereum Smart Contracts are Changing the World of Gaming появились сначала на Fishbank.

Features of Blockchain Games https://fishbank.io/features-of-blockchain-games/ Sat, 02 Mar 2019 12:37:00 +0000 https://fishbank.io/?p=27 Game Theory – Blockchain uses game theory to design networks. It is the study of mathematical models of strategic interactions between rational decision makers. It [...]

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Game Theory – Blockchain uses game theory to design networks.

It is the study of mathematical models of strategic interactions between rational decision makers. It has applications in all areas of social sciences as well as in logic and computer science. From a game theory perspective, blockchain games such as Fomo3D have demonstrated how the race for a zero-sum game can utilize human reasoning.

Tokenomics creates different interest groups in the network, which allows for different properties of game theory. Using tokens to design incentives or create new assets gives enormous power to blockchain games.

Decentralization – anyone can analyze the code used in blockchain games. This provides transparency and puts players and authors on the same side. If a developer tries to make an update that is not supported by the community, the game can be branched and different versions can be created.

Blockchain games use different levels of decentralization as part of their mechanics. Blockchain provides an in-game economy and allows for earning by playing, as well as the ability for different games to interact on the same blockchain.

Unlike traditional games, players of blockchain games must register an address on the respective blockchain platform before beginning their gaming sessions. This blockchain address, accessed by a wallet program, will serve as a unique identifier and destination of virtual assets for the respective player.

But for the most part, blockchain games are not entirely decentralized. The server plays an important role in this architecture. In addition to providing game services, it acts as a cache and indexing mechanism for smart contracts. Although the main source of information is the blockchain, players rely on the server’s capabilities to search and verify data returned from the blockchain.

Writing data to PoW blockchains such as Ethereum is expensive. The server still needs to store most of the data and only store the hash in the chain for verification. The blockchain game server interacts with the Ethereum blockchain through web3.js, which is a set of libraries that allow developers to interact with a local or remote Ethereum node using an HTTP, WebSocket or IPC7 connection.

The benefits of blockchain gaming for players

Because gaming is considered a hobby, entertainment or harmless leisure activity, gaming companies see little regulation. There are no laws to combat the abuse of the in-game economy. Game companies can do whatever they want, including manipulating the value of their digital assets. Essentially, game developers are gods who can do whatever they want with their game. That’s why blockchain games are so well-liked by so many people.

There are benefits for players in the form of ownership of in-game items, as well as the ability to sell or trade them. For example, World of Warcraft is a top MMORPG that has been played for years every day all over the world. Players spend many hours raiding, farming gold, or engaging in PvP action. But they don’t own the items they worked so hard to obtain. Time spent playing the game is of no real benefit unless they are participating in eSport competitions.

Sure, players sell their characters and items on eBay to monetize the time spent on gameplay. But the truth is, it’s not legal or safe. Blizzard continues to block the accounts of people who are trying to profit from their game. Blockchain and tokenomics allow the legalized sale of in-game items to safely and legally sell, trade, swap or even “level up” characters or items.

Players earn real-life benefits through both rewards earned while playing the game and by trading their virtual assets on decentralized exchanges. By exchanging items on a decentralized exchange, players are independent of prices and rules set by the developers.

Users can now participate in content creation. In traditional games, content is limited and owned by the game operator. But in blockchain games, users can create their own unique items and sell them.

Benefits for developers: there are new ways to monetize gameplay. Developers can attract more players through additional financial incentives. And they can eliminate middlemen (external digital marketplaces).

Сообщение Features of Blockchain Games появились сначала на Fishbank.
